
Search results for "sugar free diet"

My sugar free diet: update

Since my sugar free diet is officially over (thanks to evil cookies above), I thought I will give you some feedback. Some of you may know I removed sugar from my diet in March and April which was the longest I survived without eating something sweet. So I am really pleased with that at the […]


Sugar free April

So here is, the end of sugar free (almost) March! It was a great success even though I indulged in lots of sugar during Easter. Could anyone resist all that chocolate going around? I think it was a good learning curve and I am up for another month of trying out this “sugar-free” diet, detox, […]


Guilt free (almost) chocolate orange cake

Since now I am on my diet (second week already!!!) I have decided to treat myself to a healthier cake. I am quite new to calorie counting (ok, ok, not so new… its been a year), so to my understanding if I remove as much as fat as possible and make it gluten free then […]