For this project you will need cotton yarn (about 3-4 ply, fine), crochet hook (3mm).
Important note: familiarise yourself with the chart symbols and abbreviations as the ones used here are continental.
row 1: Start with 109 chain stitches (ch). This is based on 12-14 UK size top. You can make it smaller by starting with 100 chain stitches or bigger by starting with 118 chain stitches.
row 2: Work 5 ch stitches and single crochet (sc) at 4th ch stitch (first row).
Work 4 ch stitches and sc at 7th ch stitch (first row). Repeat this till the end of the row.
row 3: Work 6 ch stitches and sc at 2nd ch stitch (second row).
Work 3 ch stitches and 5 double crochet (dc) at 7th and 8th ch stitches (second row). Work another 3 ch stitches and sc at 12th ch stitch (second row). Work 4 ch stitches and sc at 17th chain stitch (second row). Repeat this till the end of the row.
Work 2 ch stitches and treble crochet (tr) at the last stitch (second row) to complete the row.
row 4: Work 3 ch stitches and 3 dc stitches at 8th, 9th and 10th stitches (third row). Work another 3 ch stitches and 3dc stitches at the 10th, 11th and 12th stitches (third row). Work 2 ch stitches and sc stitch at 18th stitch (third row). Repeat this till the end of the row by starting with only 2 ch stitches every time instead of 3 ch stitches.
Sc at the last stitch (third row) to complete the row.
row 5: Work 4 ch stitches.
3 dc in one stitch at 3rd, 4th and 5th stitches (fourth row). Work 3 ch stitches and 2 dc at 6th and 7th stitches (fourth row). Work 1ch and 2 dc at 7th and 8th stitches (fourth row). Work 3 ch stitches and 3 dc in one stitch at 8th, 9th and 10th stitches (fourth row). Repeat this till the end of the row.
treble crochet (tr) at the last stitch (fourth row) to complete the row.
row 6: Work 5 ch stitches and single crochet (sc) at 3rd stitch (fifth row).
Work 4 ch stitches and sc at 8th ch stitch (fifth row). Repeat this till the end of the row.
Work 2 ch and dc at the last stitch (fifth row) to complete the row.
row 7: Work 3 ch stitches
2 dc at 1st and 2nd stitches (sixth row). Work 3 ch stitches and sc at 6th stitch (sixth row). Work 4 ch stitches and sc at 11th stitch (sixth row). Work 3 ch stitches and 3 dc at 16th and 17th stitches (sixth row). Repeat this till the end of the row.
row 8: Work 4 ch stitches.
3 dc at 1st, 2nd and 3rd stitches (seventh row). Work 2 ch stitches and sc at 9th stitch (seventh row). Work 2ch stitches and 3 dc at 16th, 17th and 18th stitches (seventh row). Work 3 ch stitches. Repeat this till the end of the row.
End the row with 1 ch stitch and 1dc at the last stitch (seventh row), instead of 3 ch stitches.
row 9: Work 3 ch stitches.
1dc at 1st stitch (eighth row). Work 3 ch stitches and 3 dc in one stitch at 3rd, 4th and 5th stitches (eighth row). 3 dc in one stitch again at 11th, 12th and 13th stitches (eighth row). Work 3 chain stitches and dc at 14th and 15th stitches (eighth row). Work 1 ch stitch. Repeat this till the end of the row by starting with 2 dc every time instead of 1 dc stitch.
Repeat rows 2-9 X3. You can make the top shorter or longer by decreasing or increasing by 8 rows.
Work 54 ch stitches to extend row 33
row 34: crochet the same as row 2
To extend the sleeve on another side work 4 ch stitches and tr at the 1st stitch. Repeat this 17 more times.
row 35: crochet the same as row 3
row 36: crochet the same as row 4
row 37: crochet the same as row 5
row 38: crochet the same as row 6
row 39: crochet the same as row 7
row 40: crochet the same as row 8
row 41: crochet the same as row 9
Repeat rows 34-41 one more time
To complete the top crochet as row 2 (except at the neck opening).
At the neck opening slip stitch at every stitch on the previous row.
Once the front piece is complete, crochet the back piece using the same pattern.
Align back and front pieces together, inside out. Stitch the shoulder/sleeve seam and body/sleeve seam using basic stitch.
Enjoy wearing your make ;-)
Rasa xx