
Crochet Wall Art

For this project you will need yarn (about 12-14 ply, chunky), crochet hook (7mm) and 30cm (12 inch) embroidery hoop.

Important note: familiarise yourself with the chart symbols and abbreviations as the ones used here are continental.





round 1: Start with 10 chain stitches (ch). Slip stitch at the 1st ch to join and form a chain loop.









round 2: Single crochet (sc) 20 stitches around by inserting a hook into chain loop every time you crochet a new stitch. Slip stitch at the 1st sc stitch to join.









round 3: Work 2 ch stitches and 2-dc cluster on 1st sc stitch (second row).

Work 3ch stitches and 3-dc cluster on 3rd sc stitch (second round). Repeat this 8 more times on every second dc stitch (second roound). Slip stitch on 2-dc cluster to join







round 4: Single crochet (sc) 40 stitches around. Slip stitch at the 1st sc stitch to join.










round 5: Work 2 ch stitches and 2-dc cluster on 1st sc stitch (fourth round). Work 6 ch stitches and slip stitch on 5th stitch (fourth round).

Work 6ch stitches and 3-dc cluster on 9th sc stitch (fourth round). Work another 6 ch stitches and slip stitch on 13th stitch (fourth round). Repeat this 3 more times alternating 3-dc cluster stitch and slip stitch every fourth stitch (fourth round). Work 6 ch stitches and slip stitch on 2-dc cluster to join.





round 6: Sc 6 stitches by inserting a hook into chain loop every time you crochet a new stitch. Slip stitch on 7th stitch (fifth row). Sc again 6 stitches and slip stitch on 14th stitch (fifth round). Work 5 ch stitches and slip stitch again on 14th stitch (fifth round). Repeat this 4 more times. End the round with 2 ch stitches and a dc to join.







round 7: Work 5 ch stitches and dc on 1st chain/dc loop (sixth round). Work another 3 ch stitches and dc on 1st chain/dc loop (sixth round), repeat this step 1 more time onto the same loop. Work 5 ch stitches and slip stitch on 7th stitch (sixth round).








Work 5 ch stitches. Dc on 2nd chain loop (sixth round) and work 3 ch, repeat this step 4 more times onto the same loop. Work 5 ch stitches and slip stitch on 27th stitch (sixth round). Repeat this 3 more times creating “flower” on each ch loop.

Work 5 ch stitches and dc on 1st chain/dc loop (sixth round). Work 3 ch stitches and dc on 1st chain/dc loop (sixth round). Work another 3 ch stitches and slip stitch onto chain loop to join.





To attach the doily onto the embroidery hoop sc around by inserting a hook into the hoop every time you crochet a new stitch as well as hooking up 5 doily “star” corners into it.  Slip stitch at the 1st sc stitch to join.








The yarn end can be used for hooking the artwork onto the wall










Create a fringe by pulling equal length yarn strings through the rim of the crochet along the bottom of the embroidery hoop. The finished fringe can be trimmed and tidied up using the scissors.








Have fun!

Rasa xoxo