
Tag Archives | Devilled Eggs with Sprats

Deviled eggs

devilled eggs with sprats

If you did paint a lot of eggs for Easter like I did, then this snack is perfect to use up all those unwanted boiled eggs. This is big thing in Lithuania and it comes with many type of fillings. I like the ones with sprats (little fish that comes in the tins packed with sunflower oil). These are the simplest of all! If you can’t find sprats, then skippers will be as nice ;-).

devilled eggs with sprats


  • 4 boiled eggs
  • 1 tin of sprats or kippers in oil
  • 1 tbsp mayonnaise
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 4 cucumber slices to decorate

1. De-shell the eggs carefully. Cut the eggs in half and remove the egg yolks.

devilled eggs with sprats

2. Crumble the egg yolks and mix it together with fish, it’s oil and mayonnaise. Add salt and pepper to taste.

devilled eggs with sprats

3. Pipe the filling onto the egg halves.

devilled eggs with sprats

4. Decorate the eggs with the cucumber slices.

devilled eggs with sprats

devilled eggs with sprats

Enjoy and Happy Easter!

Rasa xoxo