
Tag Archives | Plum Steamed Pudding

A healthier plum steamed pudding

a healthier plum steamed puddingAfter living with an englishman for over a month, I realised that a pudding is an important part of the meal. Joni’s favourites are figgy dowdy, plum duff and spotted dick (yes, that’s right, thats how they call their puddings). All of these puddings are steamed puddings and that’s what I am going to talk about today. Although steamed puddings are meant to be for winter, it is good to make them now to reflect on current weather! I replaced suet (pure animal fat, similar to shortening in america) with coconut oil and caster sugar with molasses sugar so this can be a healthier option. And you don’t need to have all the equipment! Here I demonstrated how to steam your pudding in a regular steamer using cereal bowl. Go on, try it ;-). a healthier plum steamed puddingPLUM STEAMED PUDDING

  • 55g self raising flour
  • 110 mixed dried fruit
  • 2 slices of bread with no crust, soaked in milk and drained
  • 55 molasses sugar
  • 50g coconut oil
  • 1/2tsp mixed spice
  • 115g plums, cored and chopped
  • half of an apple, pealed, cored and shredded
  • 2 tbsp orange marmalade
  • 2 tbsp vanilla rum (can be any you have, preferably dark rum)
  • 1 egg
  • 60ml milk
  • custard to serve

1. mix all the ingredients (except the curd) until all well combined.

2. to steam the pudding place the pudding mixture into the greased bowl (1.) and cover it with baking paper (2.). Place the bowl upside down in the steamer (3.). Steam the pudding for three hours (4.), replenish the water level if necessary. how to steam the pudding3. Place the pudding bowl upside down in the plate and slowly lift it up to release the pudding.a healthier plum steamed pudding a healthier plum steamed pudding4. Enjoy it while still warm with custard.a healthier plum steamed pudding a healthier plum steamed pudding a healthier plum steamed puddingIt’s comforting food all over, so indulge ;-)

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