Anyone who knows me or anybody who reads this blog regularly are probably aware that I love love the seaside (or the beach). I don’t have to have palms in it, but I certainly like some white sand dunes with a small amount of greenery in it. I like that, because it feels like unfinished canvas where I can imagine something colourful.
I also dream to go to space. In fact I share this dream with Joni. Maybe not exactly the same way, but this random dream of mine is the first thing that got me interested in Joni (in case I forgot to mention, he is an Aerospace Engineer). So why am I talking about Cocoa beach and Kennedy Space Centre? What do those two have in common? Well…my two major dreams (to open a cafe and go to space) don’t go together either, but I still have them and I know it sounds crazy, but I think I have them for a reason.
Same with the Kennedy Space Centre and Cocoa Beach, they sound random, but geographically close. They even share some history together! During 60’s this beach town was populated by many people involved in America’s space program. So basically this is where astronauts would come and rest when they are not in space! How amazing is that!Don’t you think that this car tyre imprint on the sand looks a little bit like the foot steps found on the surface of the moon!?Loved this Kennedy Space Centre star globe fountain with my reflection in it! Cocoa Beach in the fog look sort of dreamy… I hope I got the attention of some of the cosmic dreamers (or seaside lovers) out there ;-)
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