
Pinterest lovers, let’s unite!

Hey! do you like Pinterest? I love it! Its like making inspiration idea boards online, except with less mess. If you are like me, you will be excited about this as I have created a special group crafts board that anybody can join. Basically anything that inspires you to do crafts or the DIY projects can be pinned there and because it is a group board it will be fun to see what everybody else is doing! Interested? Read on to see instructions on how to join :).

Follow Crafts! by Rasa at Friendly Nettle on Pinterest

So if you want to join follow these simple steps:

1. Follow me on Pinterest (if you haven’t done so).

2. Comment here that you did it together with your Pinterest user name.

That’s it!

As soon as I receive your comment I will follow you back and send an invitation to you to join the group.

Happy pinning!

Rasa xoxo

One Response to Pinterest lovers, let’s unite!

  1. JCLN November 2, 2013 at 6:20 pm #

    How cool is that!
    It’s always great to share the things that inspire me, so they can inspire others.
    Count me in! My username is: JCLN1987

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