
Chocolate oat porridge with dates and bananas

Chocolate oat porridge with dates and bananasAfter drowning my post pregnancy sorrows in sugar (as I often say) for past few months, I finally feel like ready to go sugar free again. Ok, maybe not totally cutting out sugar just yet, but definitely reducing it by at least removing added sugar. Here is what I have been having for most of my breakfasts past two weeks, which is a simple porridge that is sweetened with just dates and bananas. Chocolate for breakfast have not been more satisfying than this, yum!


  • 1 sachet of 27g oats porridge + milk according to package instructions
  • 1 tsp coco powder
  • 1 tsp coconut oil
  • 3-4 dates, chopped
  • 1 banana, sliced

1. Place all ingredients into microwavable bowl (except dates and banana) and mix briefly to combine.

2. Microwave for 2min or according to the oat porridge package instructions

3. Top the porridge with chopped dates and banana

Chocolate oat porridge with dates and bananas Chocolate oat porridge with dates and bananasSorry but not sorry that it is so simple. I thought I need to share this recipe anyways as it makes a very satisfying breakfast, without giving into sugar

Rasa :-)

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