
Our honeymoon in Tuscany

Our honeymoon in TuscanyIt has been almost a week since we are back, but it feels like we are still on the honeymoon (this is probably to do with the hot weather here in Bedford). We have really enjoyed our time in Tuscany while eating (lots of delicious food including gelato everyday!!!), wine tasting, swimming in the hot springs (more about this later), sightseeing, participating in cooking classes and playing cards (Joni got me addicted to that) and many more. This is just a preview of our special time in Italy. Our honeymoon in Tuscany Our honeymoon in Tuscany Our honeymoon in Tuscany Our honeymoon in Tuscany Our honeymoon in Tuscany Our honeymoon in Tuscany Our honeymoon in Tuscany Our honeymoon in Tuscany Our honeymoon in Tuscany Our honeymoon in Tuscany Our honeymoon in Tuscany Our honeymoon in Tuscany Our honeymoon in Tuscany Our honeymoon in Tuscany Our honeymoon in Tuscany Our honeymoon in Tuscany Our honeymoon in Tuscany Our honeymoon in Tuscany Our honeymoon in Tuscany Our honeymoon in Tuscany Our honeymoon in Tuscany Our honeymoon in Tuscany Our honeymoon in Tuscany

I think the only think I could not quite capture with the camera is the fireflies at night. We saw them one night and it was quite magical! It was our first time seeing flying little lights so hoping to see them again in the future :-).

Wishing you a warm weekend ;-)

Rasa xoxo

P.S really big thanks for my new sister, Nicola, for lending us a DSLR camera (so much better than my iPhone!!!)

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