
Important website privacy updates

Important website privacy updatesIf you been following my feed on Instagram/Facebook/Twitter you probably heard that we had massive issues with our website all last week, but thankfully we are back. Phew! Hopefully you can continue enjoying it without further disruptions ;-).

It all started with the spring cleaning (or a detox as I would like to call it). We were removing all the unused elements of the website. You know, all those bits that are no longer used or no longer serve their original purpose. Because of new privacy laws in Europe(GDPR) we mostly removed all the member areas such as forum and the profile parts. This is where all went wrong, when updating some plug-ins it broke everything which meant even we could not access the website. Of course it is fixed now which is why I am able to write this post. Yey!

So why did we have a member area on our site to begin with? All because of our dream to build a community site that would be a place to meet and share about crafts of all sorts. Sadly this did not quite work out. Mostly because we are not very good with website building and not crazy rich to pay someone to build it. Instead it became more like a personal blog and I would like to continue doing it as I love love doing it (totally honest here). So here we go, instead of figuring out how to comply with new laws it was much more easier (almost) just to remove these data collecting forms and remove all the members at the same time (about 35K in total).

So if you were signed up then do not worry, we no longer keep your details. You don’t need to take any further steps. Hope this did not disappoint you, I don’t think it should have as all the website content is available to you freely anyways.Important website privacy updatesOf course there is so much more to fix on this website, but I think this is a good start. Hope you have a lovely week everyone!

Rasa xoxo

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