Last month I mentioned that I will read at least 6 books this year as my new year’s goal. I set myself to read these books and so far I read my first one: “Flora and Grace” by Maureen Lee (I am so way ahead with my plan right now!). I decided to review it here, although I would not call myself a book critique considering I don’t read many books in general. And I am not revealing the whole plot, because I really don’t want to spoil all the surprises for you in case you are reading this book at this moment. All I can say it is set in the mid of wars and after wars mostly in England (love when they mention places I have lived!) and I still don’t get what the pic in the cover is representing! Maybe you could figure that out?
What I like about it? I loved the twist in the story, one of main reasons why I kept reading it! Even after loosing the book at the GPs (oops!) I was determined to finish it and therefore got iBooks version just for few last chapters. The other thing I liked about this book is how much I learned about that period of time (1944-1956) such as fashion, inventions and culture!
What I did not like about it? I was not a big fan of the writing style. But maybe it is just me! I tend to like lough out load sort of novels, so this book wasn’t it. It was also very easy read (no wonder my mum liked it with her basic knowledge of english). I was not led emotionally even during dramatic scenes! Instead it always made me feel positive about everything in the story (so I guess this is a good thing). I think what I disliked most however that the writer was constantly informing that something bad may happen soon (literally!). Maybe the author thought this will bring the tenseness while guessing what is it that going to actually happen in the next chapter? Well, this certainly did not work on me especially when that unfortunate event did not make me feel particularly upset. Because everything in the story works out for best! Again, I like the positivity here, but not so much the writing style.
Is it worth buying it? I think yes if you want an easy calming read to go with your cup of tea. I found reading it in the evening helped me to fall asleep!I hope you found this review helpful!
Rasa xoxo
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