It has been a while since I last written a book review. This book was a challenge to begin with and I was putting it off for few months. Because of it’s old language it was difficult to get into the story, but once I did, it was totally worth it! I think Jane Austin was a really talented writer. I watched the movie based on this book again and realised how much I have missed to compare with the first time I watched it. It was truly an enjoyable process!
What I like about it? The plot, the surprises that came with it and the experience of how it was like to live in Georgian era! The outlook on life and relationships are smartly written and relates to present times although the book has been written in early 18th century. To compare to the movie I thought the surprises in the plot when reading are much more dramatic as it does not warn the reader as much as the viewer in the movie. Although it was difficult to understand the old language to begin with the outcome of it was very positive to me personally. I definitely feel that my vocabulary expanded dramatically!
What I did not like about it? Initially I was annoyed at the writing language as I could not understand it. I even ended up using dictionary (did not help) and asking Joni what certain phrases meant (he is so knowledgable when it comes to history!). Eventually it turned out to be a good thing: I have learned the way of speaking in olden days (not that I practice it at this moment). So overall there is nothing that I did not like about this book!
Is it worth buying? It’s a classic, of course it is worth buying! And if you buy Vintage Classics version than the book is going to look sooooo good in your book shelve ;-).I hope you enjoyed my modest review :-)
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