
April favourites

Sheep named Lucky from the farm in CobhamApril has been really exciting and we have some big news to tell! But you have to wait till the end of this post for it (so no peaking!).

First, we all celebrated Easter, spend a lovely time with the family in Woking.  While there we went for a walk with these three (bellow) and I even had an opportunity to visit a private farm in Cobham where I have met some pretty sheep :-).Walks in Surrey :)We had a mild “heat wave” here in England… can you believe that? I made this one ingredient ice cream to keep myself ingredient ice cream (almost!) We celebrated Princess Leia’s birthday, which was quite fun (I have never celebrated pet’s birthday before). Princess Leia birthday "cake"And… finally big news!!!… tam ta ram!!!… We are expecting another Pelham edition to our family sometime in October!Our big news!!!Looking forward to may ;-)


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