
Elderflower Cordial



As mentioned on last post, I made cordal from the Elderflowers I collected by the river Lea. The recipe is bellow.


Ingredients: 20 heads freshly picked elderflowers
1.30kg sugar
1l water
2 lemons
60g citric acid or lemon salt (I bought mine in one of the Turkish shops in London)

1. Cut the flowers and place them in large bowl or saucepan.



2. Add sliced lemons and citric acid


3. In a large, heavy-bottomed pan, heat the sugar and water until it boils and then allow to boil for about 5 minutes to form a thin syrup.



4. When the syrup is ready, remove from the heat and allow to cool to room temperature before pouring over the flowers. Cover and leave for at least 24 hours before straining (I left it for two days).



5. Sterilise your jars by heating them in 180C oven for 5 minutes. Pour strained cordal into the jars. This should keep for up to a year. Serve with water or anything else that you come up with. I dropped some strawberries into mine!




There are so many uses for Elderflower cordal such as jelly or poppyseed cake. I am defiantly trying baking with it sometime soon! Let me know if you tried anything interesting with it yet ;)

Rasa xo



  1. Elderflower and poppyseed cake | Friendly NettleFriendly Nettle - July 1, 2013

    […] 1 tbsp elderflower cordal (recipe is here) […]

  2. Green tea and elderflower ice-cream | Friendly NettleFriendly Nettle - July 21, 2013

    […] 8 egg yolks 200g sugar 250g milk (full fat) 250g double-cream 250g elderflower cordial 2tsp matcha green tea 1.First, prepare egg cream by mixing egg yolks with sugar and whisking until […]

  3. Earl Grey cake with Elderflower buttercream | Friendly NettleFriendly Nettle - May 13, 2014

    […] 4tbsp elderflower cordial […]

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