
Sometimes bad habits turn out to be good….

I will make a confession, I got a bad habit… I sometimes like to read over people’s shoulders while I am on the train. As soon as I see an interesting article I start reading it and I even get angry when they turn the page (once somebody gave me their magazine after noticing I was reading it!!).  I know, its quite rude, but I can’t help when I am bored. Can you relate?
The other day the train was really crowded and somebody was reading a “stylist”(I can’t express how much I like that magazine and for those who don’t know: it is free and runs out really quickly once it is published). I was looking over the reader’s shoulder and I saw a picture of a cheesecake and as I was still on detox (read my previous post) I could feel saliva in my mouth. It was an interesting one, with the crumble! I was trying to get closer to the “stylist” reader to get the ingredients, but she did what everybody does and turned the page…. Luckily! Somebody at work was reading the same issue of “stylist” so I grabbed it like a mad woman and started looking for the page where the recipe was and I found it! Never mind my workmates as they are already used to me being mad. Anyway, here is the famous recipe which I have definitely tried baking. I have changed few bits as in ingredients they tried to promote “Bonne Maman” brand and I believe it is fine without it. I also find that it has goat cheese and I know that not everybody like it’s scent (although it does make the cake taste lovely and unique) therefore it’s allowed to be replaced by same amount of soft cheese. I hope you enjoy it as my friends did!


Ingredients:  75g butter
200g shortbread biscuits (crushed or processed as they are a bit stiff)
150g goat’s cheese
450g full fat cheese
4 eggs
zest and juice of one orange
100g of caster sugar
75ml cream fraiche
8tbsp strawberry jam
150g summer berries (I bought my frozen as not in season at this moment)
40g plain flour
25g of oat flakes
Icing sugar

1. Preheat the oven to 170C. Line a 20cm deep, loose based, spring-form tin with greaseproof paper.
2. To make a base melt 50g butter and stir in the crushed shortbread biscuits. Press this mixture over the base of the tin and set aside.
3. Beat together the cheeses, eggs, orange zest and 75g sugar with the cream fraiche. Spoon onto the base and bake for 1hour 15mins.
4. Meanwhile prepare berries mixture. Put the jam in a small saucepan with 50ml of orange juice and stir over a low heat. Bring to the boil and bubble gently for 5 minutes. Add the berries (defrost it first if you bought frozen) and leave it to cool.
5. After 1hour 15mins of baking cover the cheesecake with the berries mixture and return to the oven for further 1hr 15mins.
6. Meanwhile prepare the crumble. Rub the remaining butter and the caster sugar into the flour. Stir in the oat flakes and spread out on a foil-lined baking sheet. Bake for 15mins. Leave to cool, then brake it to the crumbs.
7. After cheesecake is completely baked and firm in the center sprinkle on the crumble mixture, leave it to cool and dust with icing sugar.


Rasa :)


  1. San Francisco: Being there ;) | Friendly NettleFriendly Nettle - July 9, 2013

    […] tried pear and goat cheese tart! I love trying interesting flavour combinations! If you do too, try Berry Crumble Cheesecake (with goat […]

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