So lately I been reading like mad, its that time of year when it is about to end and I have like few books to still read…Eek! I finally finished reading “Anna Karenina” (that was quite a mission). It’s made out of two books people!!!
This book is considered a classic and I think its not only because it is old. It is set in 1873 when author himself was alive, which means his description of the lifestyle at that time is quite genuine (very interesting to read about that) . It covers lots of subjects such as philosophy, politics, women rights, culture and farming so I think it should cover everyone’s interest. I must admit some of these subjects bore me to death. But it’s ok, it included lots of psychology and thought process of the characters in the story, so I was quite entertained. Sadly the movie (newest 2012 edition) does not have the same impact. In return it is quite theatrical and visually appealing, so it was ok. I have a feeling you may not get the main point if you watch movie first, but at least is artistic and I really enjoyed it for that exact reason.
What I liked about it? Psychology of the characters in the story of course! I love to see what these characters think and the reason why they act like they do. I also found it fascinating to see what people did for entertainment and communications. It sounds like telegrams were almost like texting in comparison to today’s communicating.
What I did not like about it? Well… some of the subjects and thought process of some of characters was very very boring to me, but I am sure somebody else would find this very interesting.
Is it worth buying? Yes, even if you are not going to read it. I think this book is worth your bookshelf, especially if you get a vintage looking version :-D.Hope you are convinced that this is a must read ;-)
Rasa xoxo
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