Well well well, where shall I begin. To start with I would like to say that I made my goal for this year, I finished this within a week (my personal best speed in reading. And the book wasn’t the easiest to read! Oh no! A lot of people I spoke to who read a little of this book (and not finished it) said it wasn’t what they like to read and that it was a very hard one to understand. I must admit I was confused many times, but I do believe I got overall view about it by now. Some people suggested that the story is allegorical and I don’t neglect the possibility of it, although I don’t think this is a case. The author gives a lot of comparisons such as hotel keeping and zoo-keeping or religion and zoology, but my personal opinion this is about faith and just because you don’t believe in this incredible story that does not mean it can’t be true. This is why author gave an alternative story to the investigators because they did not have faith, not because the other story is more true. Again, this is just my opinion and would like to hear your view too.
What I liked about it? The story of course! I generally like inspiring stories and this definitely met my need. I even wondered if this wasn’t a true story at one point. It also fascinated me the knowledge of the author regarding animal behaviour which is what led the main character to survive with the tiger on the boat. And it’s not like it was easy for him, he had lots of ups and downs while “training” this wild cat so I think this is quite believable.
What I did not like about it? Is the confusion between religion and belief in God. I think these are completely different especially when it comes to different types of religions. They don’t exactly match, yet the main character was practicing all of them.
Is it worth buying it? Well, it depends. Do you like complicated stories? I think this is not everyones cup of tea, but it is very enjoyable if this is sort of think you like.Hope you found this useful ;-)
Rasa x
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