Ever since reading Bringing up bebe and French kids eat everything I got the notion that the kids and I could bake things one day. Maybe even experiment with different flavours and help them grow to love food. This sounded like a fairy tale when we were going through terrible-twos and all Lukas would eat was pasta or toast. Thankfully this was just a phase! Things are changing dramatically as we speak. So hang in there if you are struggling with the toddler fussiness, it will all pass ;-).
I mean Lukas still don’t eat salad, but he will occasionally ask me if he could taste something from my plate (such as beetroot or even smoked salmon). And you know I like my food colourful and flavoursome. I really hope that one day this passion will pass onto him.
So when we went blackberry picking last week I thought why not introduce him to baking. Lukas, like any other kids likes cakes and baking goes nicely with blackberry. I suddenly thought I could try the yogurt cake that I read french kids like to make. Blackberries on top does make it lovely! This recipe uses yogurt containers (150ml) as a measuring device. A bit simpler to understand for little helpers.
- 2 x containers (300g) natural yogurt (full fat preferably)
- 2 x eggs
- 2 x containers sugar (270g) (although I preferred adding just one)
- 4.5 x containers plain flour (360g) (we used almond flour for gluten free version)
- 1 x container (120g) vegetable or olive oil
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 2 tsp baking powder
- berries or chocolate chips for the filling (optional but nice!)
- extra yogurt or creme fraiche for serving (optional)
1. Measure all ingredients into the bowl. It is very important to clean and dry the containers after emptying them as I find that other ingredients stick to any lingering yogurt and therefore don’t come out fully when measuring. The first time we baked this cake it came out too gooey due to not enough of flour as you could imagine. When making it a second time I realised it was due to wrong amounts.
2. Mix mix mix! Lukas favourite part ;-).3. Spoon out the cake mixture into the baking tin. I like using silicone type as it needs no greasing.
4. Arrange berries or chocolate chips on top. Press them in so they sink a bit.
5. Bake for 35-40min in 180C preheated oven. Check with toothpick if it is baked thoroughly before removing the cake out of the oven.
Enjoy baking ;-)
Rasa xoxo
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