
Year two with books: “Bringing Up Bébé” Review

My thoughts on "Bringing up bebe"This is the first book I read from my book list this year and I am glad I started with this particular one. It gave me lots of good ideas on how to deal with usual baby problems (sleeping for example) which is what I needed to cope with the first few months of bringing up Lukas. This parenting style (if you want to call that) appealed  to me a lot, it kind of agrees with “Baby whisperer” by Tracy Hogg. Except this book was much easer to read and so much more glamorous just because it is based on French parenting.

What I like about it? Is the story behind it that completely sold me the book. To say it quick it is about American mother discovering wisdom of French parenting, which seem so chic (if parenting can be chic). I also think the author is an amazing writer, she shared some personal experience which was quite amusing (and some are even very private). I liked that she applied the parenting wisdom she learned on her own kids and also did some scientific research to back it up. Have I tried any of these parenting tricks myself? Only one, how to get the baby sleep through the night. And I was surprised with the outcome to begin with. Although I got little scared how it effects Lukas feeding, because he is not gaining weight that easily. So now we are back to waking once a night and that is satisfactory to me and much better than the other babies I know around me. Or maybe I just have an easy baby? … Oh and another thing I love is that she drops a lot of French words into the story. Makes me want to learn some French myself!

What I did not like about it? “Non”, nothing at all!

Is it worth buying it? absolument oui!My thoughts on "Bringing up bebe"Thanks for letting me share my thoughts on this wonderful book!

Rasa xoxo


  1. Year two with books: "French Kids Eat Everything" Review - Friendly Nettle - April 15, 2016

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