
Creative ways to say “I love you”

Creative ways to say "I love you"It’s a last day of the month and you know whats happening in February?! Valentines day is going to be super special this year as this is going to be my first Valentines day after getting married. So I thought I will start getting ready early this year. I thought I would share some of my thoughts on potential thoughtful and creative gifts for your significant other. Hope you will like them!

First I am very proud to announce that we have a new craft kit in our shop! With the contents of this box you can not only enjoy some biscuits but also make four custom message heart magnets to convey a special sentiment. It’s like love heart candies that can be stuck onto your fridge (please don’t try to eat them). Let us know what you think!If making hearts is not your thing, than you can always buy ready made hearts! My friend and fellow blogger Jacolien crochets really cute ones and sells them on their own or attached to a ready made card. Check out her Etsy shop!Creative ways to say "I love you"I also could not help but share about this gift that Joni left me a few weeks ago. It is one of those thoughtful/creative gifts when you know that person well. Joni knew that Lithuanians (in olden days not now) often wear these flower garlands on their heads. So here we are, he got me a cactus with a wreath of dainty pink flowers around it’s head! I was super impressed! Creative ways to say "I love you"And if baking is what you enjoy most then these Graham Cracker Conversation Hearts (we call them digestives over here) will steal your heart! The recepie can be found here. To be honest I fell in love with that blog in general!GrahamCrackerConversationHearts3Have a lovely weekend!

Rasa xoxo

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