
Make your own custom crocheted and cross stitched laptop cover

Crocheted and cross stitched laptop cover, DIY instructions incudedIt’s been almost a year since my old laptop got stolen (never mind, I am fully recovered now). Although I was very lucky to get a new one as a (last) christmas gift, the old laptop cover did not quite fit my new laptop. I like the type of laptop covers that are not a bag by itself, but the slip on ones that can fit in a handbag of your choice. So you can imagine, I have been planning to make a new laptop cover for quite a while! Up until now I have been traveling with the laptop in a plastic bag (not so classy) or a backpack (thanks to my new mum for it!). OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI don’t exactly remember the time when I came up with the idea to cross stitch on the crocheted laptop cover, but I did love all the ideas of cross stitch going anywhere random such as wall, fences and so on (thanks to Pinterest for the inspiration!). A crocheted surface makes a perfect canvas for cross stitch! I sourced different kind of yarns for this project, mainly because I wanted to use up some of my scrap yarn stash, but also because I like this rustic type of look that it created. Anyway… ready to make one of your own?OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHere you can access the full DIY instructions. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did! You can of course pick a different cross stitch design for your laptop cover to make it custom. I personally picked the rose design on the black background because it reminds me of the Russian scarfs that my grandma wears. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI hope this project helps your laptop to stay organised within your handbag ;-)

Rasa x

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