
Archive | Love London

Day out in London

day out in London


I am so thankful that I get opportunities to visit London from time to time! I miss London even more when I no longer live here. For this reason I think it’s good to live close to London, but maybe not in London itself.

So yesterday me and Joni visited my dear friends and also had a date in the Regents Park. I love finding a piece of nature in the centre of the city! Overall, very good day! Sorry for such bad quality phone pics (had no camera on me, but could not help but share this with you!).

day out in London

I hope you had a lovely weekend too!!

Rasa xoxo


Going to the highest place

Pole Hill in Greater London

Last weekend we had an opportunity to visit one of the highest hills in London (well, almost!). That is Pole Hill on the border of Greater London and Essex. My old friend Alex thought that it would be great to do a little cycle trip while I am spending my last weeks in London before moving to Bedford with Joni. I must admit I was feeling lazy at first, but I am happy we did it. The view of London City (from so far away) is unimaginably pretty!

Pole Hill in Greater London Pole Hill in Greater London Pole Hill in Greater London Pole Hill in Greater London Pole Hill in Greater London Pole Hill in Greater London Pole Hill in Greater London


Pole Hill in Greater London


Have a lovely week!

Rasa xoxo


My London home tour: could be yours too!

My home tour in London: Available to rent


You might be wondering why I have decided to give you my home tour? Actually, there are two reasons: 1. I have finished renovating my house!!! Yey! (I mean insulating the walls, which was quite a big boring job). 2. Me and Joni have decided to move to Bedford after we get married (because Joni has to finish his PhD in Cranfield), so this is your only chance to see the overall result of my house after years of crafting here.

My home tour in London: Available to rentAnother thing I wanted to mention that after I moved out, THIS PLACE IS UP FOR RENT!!! If you are interested, do give me a shout on Alternatively check out Airbnb if it’s the short stay you are interested.

My home tour in London: Available to rent

The house is in North London and comes with very private little garden (Loved doing my gardening experiments here).

My home tour in London: Available to rentStrawberries… Hmmm :-d

My home tour in London: Available to rentNext is Kitchen, this is where all the cakes get baked (small, but practical).


My home tour in London: Available to rentStairway up…

My home tour in London: Available to rentMy home tour in London: Available to rentMy home tour in London: Available to rentMy home tour in London: Available to rentMy home tour in London: Available to rentMy home tour in London: Available to rentMy home tour in London: Available to rentMy home tour in London: Available to rentI love putting little artworks around the house. This one is my favourite, sketched by Vicki!


Rasa xoxo




Name the boat!

Boat names

If I had to name anything I would love to name a boat… just because they are most fun and often sound silly. I often go for a walk by river Lea and love spotting new boat names. “Buzzy Lizzy” and “Stardust” are my favourite right now. How would you name yours if you owned a boat?

Boat names Boat names Boat names Boat names Boat names Boat names

Have an amazing week ahead!

Rasa oxo


Renegate Craft Fair in London

Emma Cocker

Just came back from Renegate Craft Fair, just down the road from where I live! What a great place to visit for some inspiration and unique gifts for Christmas (perfect timing!). I will try to summarise, although that’s tough as I have seen lots of inspiring things today. This is why I would strongly advise you to visit this fair yourself if you are free this weekend and in London!

I will start with Michelle Galletta (Kiriki), who make embroidered doll kits… so basically your gift could be half made by you! Check out her website for an amazing embroidery stitch library :).


Lucie Ellen gives you an opportunity to design your own bunting necklace, how lovely!

Lucie ellen Lucie Ellen

I am in love with these cute miniature plush toys that come in their own “houses”….


These ones are made by Kekekaka!


And these cuties are made by Sweet William :). In fact I came across Sweet William on Pinterest, so I was quite excited to see actual workmanship in front of me!! Wouldn’t you?

Sweet William

And finally, but not least it’s Oh No Rachio! I must say I have been attracted to these lovely planters by the succulents that I adore…. and by Rachel Basinger smile of course! :)

IMG_6178 Oh no Rachio!

Hope to see you there!

Rasa xoxo


Christmas decorations at Petersham Nurseries

Christmas decorations from Petersham Nurseries

I mentioned Petersham Nurseries before, it’s our favourite place in London right now! Recently Vicki have paid another visit there and came back with the beautiful Christmas decoration pictures. How can you not be inspired, even if holidays seems still far away? I already started thinking on how to make something similar for my craft projects…. I especially love these “ribbons” made out of scrap fabric!

Christmas decorations from Petersham Nurseries

Christmas decorations from Petersham Nurseries

I love this etched glass detail on silver baubles!

Christmas decorations from Petersham Nurseries

Christmas decorations from Petersham Nurseries

This bird hanging decoration is Vicki’s favourite! Seems simple to make, yet quite impressive.

Christmas decorations from Petersham Nurseries

I am quite obsessed with woodland theme this year! So these are perfect for that ;)

Christmas decorations from Petersham Nurseries

Christmas decorations from Petersham Nurseries

Big thanks to Vicki for these pretty pictures, visit her Pinterest page for more inspiration!

Rasa :)


A day out at Petersham Nurseries ♥


Me, my mum (who is visiting me) and Vickie had a such a great time in Petersham Nurseries today. It is soooo beautiful there! Don’t you think this place would be perfect for a wedding?




The cakes we delicious too! My favourite was a lavender, rose water and almond cake…. yum :b







We definitely recommend Petersham Nurseries to anyone who loves vintage country style, you would definitely enjoy this;). It’s in Richmond (forgot to tell)! It has a cute shop as well where you can buy not only pretty stuff for home, but also the gardening accessories. I bought some gardening twine in pretty colours thinking to knit a rug or something… will let you know!

Having a really busy weekend. A dear friend’s, Lola’s wedding tomorrow! Looking forward to that :). What are you up to for the weekend?

Rasa xox


Bicycle trip to Richmond

Lee Valley

And this is how our journey to Richmond started. Alex planned the route, I packed the lunch and sky … well.. it delivered sun!!

Lee Valley cannel

Luckily Alex is an expert on picking scenic cycling routs so most of our trip took place around the rivers and canals. I love the river around my neighbourhood ♥. For more reads about River Lea go here.

Elderflower berries

While I was cycling I noticed that lots of Elderflower trees turned to Elderberries. I did a little research and found out that you can make jelly, cordial or even liqueur with it ;)


Such a quick scenery change as we went along! I loved riverside cafes and even cafe-boats!



At the Limehouse we had to leave the river, but not for good…


Passed the central London of course ;)


Lunch at Chelsea Park: bacon tart, elderflower and poppyseed cake and rye bread sandwiches that were really yummy. I will share the recipe some time soon ;)


So after ups and downs (my bike tire went flat that got luckily fixed), we get reunited with our friend Vicki! YAY!!


We can’t get enough of the riverside as more walks by the river continues…




IMG_3972 IMG_4004


But the time to say goodbyes is always round the corner, but not for good!

Thanks to Vicki for making our trip memorable.

Rasa :)


Bicycle trip across London!

Vickie's Scribles ;)

As you have guessed we are cycling across London to Richmond to visit our friend Vicki! Although this wasn’t my idea I am looking forward to this challenge…. after all I haven’t cycled for a while ;)

How are you spending your weekend?

Rasa xox


Hampton Court Palace Flower Show


I was in the Flower Show today at the Hampton Court Palace! Which was fun as I have seen so many inspirational garden set-ups. Maybe some of them were unpractical, but still pretty to look at :). I think the most bizarre thing I have seen is the garden filled with artificial fog, that was really spooky!


Many stuff were for sale, not only plants but also a garden deco, equipment and lots and lots of advice (maybe this last one wasn’t for sale as it came free).  I asked what to do with my lawn as I really really destroyed it due to not cutting it regularly and not removing leafs in the autumn. I have been recommended to cut it ASAP, drop more grass seeds in and keep watering it in this hot season. Yes Sir, I feel much more hopeful about my garden now!


But the main theme I noticed is the wild flowers. It is so cool to see that it became trendy to recreate a meadow in the garden :)




Walk by the river Lea


Last Sunday was quite spontaneous for me. In afternoon I popped in to my neighbour’s who suggested we go for a walk. What? For a walk? I know no parks around here in London where I live! However I went along and took Sarah (my new flatmate) with me. After 20min we reached a river Lea surrounded by nature and filled with cute residential boats. Such a quick scenery change!





I love how people living in the boats grow herbs and veg on their roofs. Such a dainty little garden!





And the names for the boats are super amazing!


Sarah found her own ;)




And we were so lucky as Collin, who lives in one of those boats gave us a tour on living such a lifestyle.



I love his artistic style, especially his desk that he made himself from upcycled scrap wood!


And small, but practical kitchen that seems to fit everything….


Including cookery books! Collin said he likes cooking for people and that we are invited for dinner some time soon… Thanks, Collin, for your hospitality ;-)




On the way back I collected some Elderflower, maybe I will make some cordial tomorrow…


Have you walked around your neighbourhood recently?

Rasa xo