In Lithuanian these lazy bites are called “Tinginys” which essentially means “The Lazy One’ (fancy some history about this? There we go!). Traditionally this easy to make treat is made with crumbled biscuits, coco powder, condensed milk and butter. But when I was little I experimented a lot (because there is no oven needed here) and I came up with this version (read on). I forgot about this for a while until I treated myself with my first cooking book “Cheap as Chips, Better Than Toast” just before my student years began (in year 2004, long time ago!). Oh, I learned so much from it, thanks you soooo much, Miranda Shearer. I probably would not be writing this blog if you have never written this wonderful book! But where art thou? I searched for you in twitter, no luck :(.
Anyway, I came across “Fridge Cake” recipe, which reminded me of my “The Lazy One” recipe. I used Miranda’s recipe to recover my childhood’s recipe and there we go! In all it’s glory!!!! You would be silly not to try it! Even better if you make it with kids (because that’s how simple it is!). LAZY CARAMEL AND CRANBERRY BITES
- 175g malted milk biscuits
- 90g butter
- 30g sugar
- 60g caramel (I use the one that comes in the tin and can be found in condensed milk department)
- 60g dried cranberries
1. Crumble the biscuits either by hand or by using food processor. It does not have to be crumbled so finely, roughly will work as fine!2. In the pan melt the butter with sugar and caramel.
3. Add the biscuit crumbs and the cranberries into the melted butter. Combine everything well and let it cool slightly.
4. Wrap the mixture into the cling film and baking paper like the sausage. If you want even easer method, then put the mixture into cake tin and press down well. Leave it to harden in the fridge.
5. The cake is ready after few hours! Just unwrap it (or remove it from cake tin) and slice it to serve.
Enjoy!!!! This is really yummy!
Rasa xoxo
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