Let’s be honest, do you keep the greeting cards you receive for birthdays or Christmas? I don’t, although I try to reuse them in paper crafts. I know that majority of us would eventually bin them. And knowing this makes me sad :(. I don’t like the idea that we spend 2-5 pounds on the card for it to be binned. This is why I make every possible effort to make a handmade card. There are two major reasons for that. It cost practically nothing since I reuse or use up all the paper stash I have. Handmade cards have a better chance in surviving longer as it has a sentimental, caring value attached to it.
I like making my own patterns that are perfect for for making paper crafts, here is one of them ;-).
Ready to make one now? Click HERE for the step by step pop-up card project. Have fun!
Rasa xoxo
What a great idea!
Thanks for the instructions, Rasa.