
Make your own kids gardening kit

Make your own kids gardening kitAlthough we are in the middle of winter I already can’t wait till spring (I think I had enough of cold and rain). So making this seed growing kit for my nephew was quite uplifting :-). Hopefully he is now looking forward to spring as much as I do!

In the kit I included the beans for sowing (5.) and everything else that is needed to make it grow (minus the water). Some of the stuff I had to buy such as kiddy gardening tools (2.) and compressed soil (4.). However the other items were free, like these toilet roll pots (3.) and the box with the straw (1.) that I just upcycled!Bean stalk growing kit printableI decided to go with the beans because I thought it’s cool and it’s so easy to grow. It kind of goes along with Jack and The Beanstalk story! I thought it would make a very personal gift if I replaced Jack’s name to my nephew’s name.  Make your own kids gardening kit Make your own kids gardening kitI hope you found this simple gift idea inspiring

Rasa xoxo

2 Responses to Make your own kids gardening kit

  1. Vidya May 17, 2017 at 11:25 am #

    Love your pictures! Could I ask where you bought the kiddy gardening tools? I’m looking for something similar for my daughter.

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